Boat Accident Attorney - Pleasure Boat Injury for Your Information And Reference
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Boat Accident Attorney - Pleasure Boat Injury |
Boat Accident Attorney - Pleasure Boat Injury. States are required to submit annual reports to the U.S. Coast Guard detailing the number of recreational boats registered and the number of boating accidents and fatalities that occur within their jurisdiction. From these numbers, the Coast Guard compiles an annual report of number certificates issued to boats. The number of injuries and accidents is categorized by boat size, hull material type and propulsion type. In addition to annual statistics, the Coast Guard publishes statistics for the past 10 to 15 years to show trends in recreational boating.
Collecting data on boating accidents and related deaths
When reading the Annual Report, it is important to remember that there are limits to the data collected. Fatalities can occur in unregistered boats, and there are slight differences in state registration laws. It is more accurate to look at the number of fatalities by category of registered boats than to look at the total number of fatalities for the year. Boat categories registered include motor boats, personal watercraft, cabin boats, yachts and houseboats.
Definition of Recreational Maritime Incidents
Certain criteria must be met in order for the state to classify an accident involving a boat as a recreational vessel accident. First and most obvious, the boat must be used for recreational purposes and must not be involved in any commercial activity. Collision with another boat or object - Electrocution - Fire or explosion - Sinking - Person ejected from boat or leaves the boat to swim while the boat is not docked - Flooding or capsizing - Carbon monoxide asphyxiation
An operator of a recreational boat must file an accident report if a person dies or is injured beyond what can be treated with normal first aid, if there is damage to the boat or other property totaling more than $2,000, or someone disappears from the boat under mysterious circumstances. The operator of a recreational boat is not required to file an accident report if damage done to persons or property was done while the boat was docked. If the injury was the result of someone leaving the boat to take a swim, the operator must be able to prove that the boat was securely docked and used only as a platform for the swimmer.
The most common type of fatality reported each year is from drowning. In 2005 nearly seventy percent of all fatalities reported to the Coast Guard were the result of drowning. Of the reported deaths, 87% of those who drowned were not wearing a personal flotation device (PFD/life jacket). The Coast Guard reports that of the 697 people who drowned last year, nearly 426 could have been saved had people taken the time to wear life jackets.
Capsizing and falling overboard are the most commonly reported recreational boating accidents.
The most commonly reported accidents involving recreational boats are capsizing and people falling overboard. The Coast Guard attributes these types of accidents to a lack of boat safety knowledge, overloading the boat beyond its capabilities, and inexperience on the part of operators. Speeding and alcohol are also contributing factors to nearly a quarter of all reported boating fatalities each year.
Statistics on marine accidents in various states
Reported statistics show that states bordering water bodies (particularly those bordering the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans) have higher fatalities and casualties. Larger states reported more fatalities and boating accidents. For example, Kansas reported a total of 24 accidents in 2005, resulting in four fatalities. Property damage from recreational boating accidents in Kansas in 2005 totaled nearly $74,000. In 2005, there were a total of 603 boating accidents in Florida, in which 78 people were fatally injured.
Property damage in Florida from recreational boating accidents totaled over $5,000,000. In 2005, there were a total of 183 boating accidents in Maryland that killed 15 people and caused more than $1,000,000 in property damage. How to ensure a safe boating experience. The key to a safe boating experience is being aware of the boat you are operating, all regulations and policies related to boat safety and procedures, the waters you plan to sail in, and that each passenger is wearing a life jacket nearby.
A boating accident is considered a personal injury. If you have been the victim of a recreational boating accident, it is important to seek the expertise of a personal injury attorney. A personal injury attorney may help you recover medical expenses, pain and suffering, and damage to personal property caused by a recreational boating accident. A car accident attorney is best suited to help you in personal injury cases. If you were in a car accident, were injured on the job, were injured by a defective product, or were the victim of personal injury, you may need an accident attorney. Accident attorneys will do their best to bring you a strong case based on the details and medical history you provide.
Get accident details
Seek medical attention immediately after an accident. They will ask for details of how you were injured and provide any necessary medical attention. Also, you should contact the police so that you can file a complaint. Along with the police, you will need to provide your details about the accident and take photos. If you can't do this, ask a close friend or family member to do it for you. The police report, your own description of the accident, and the medical report will help your accident lawyer in your case.
Need a car accident lawyer?
After giving you time to recover from your accident, we will decide if an accident lawyer is right for you. Find out about accident lawyers in your area and call them to find out more about their rates and services they offer. . Find out how much compensation you think you can get if they can afford it.If the amount you pay an accident lawyer exceeds what you'll be compensated for, if you're better off defending yourself there is. Accurate details of the accident, photographs, and medical reports from both emergency responders and primary care physicians can lead to successful litigation. If the attacker clearly caused you physical or mental harm and you were not at fault, you can present evidence to represent yourself.
How much does a car accident lawyer cost?
All lawyers have their own specific fees. It depends on whether you hire an accident lawyer from a large law firm or hire your own. Accident attorneys who run their own offices are cheaper and can work more closely with you. Larger law firms may have a better reputation, but they also charge higher fees. Accident attorneys and companies offer a variety of payment options. Some offer a success fee, while others pay by the hour, flat rate, or upfront fee. Other attorneys may not expect you to pay in full until the case is successfully resolved.
Where can I find a car accident lawyer?
There are many accident lawyers who advertise their services on the internet, television and newspapers. You can also find offers for accident attorneys in the yellow pages of telephone directories. Some of the best accident lawyers you'll ever hear come from word of mouth.Many of the best services are learned from friends and family. If you have a family member or friend who recently hired a particular accident attorney, find out if they offer free phone consultations or would be happy to hear about your case.
Recreational boating and water sports activities should only do one thing:
Unfortunately, these reckless drivers and drunken sailors often cause accidents that result in significant damage and personal injury. If you have been injured in a maritime accident, it is a good idea to consult with a reputable maritime law firm. You should consult an attorney who specializes in personal injury from watercraft accidents to help recover any damages or compensation that you may be entitled to for the injuries you suffered.
Pain and suffering, property damage, loss of wages, rehabilitation, hospitalization, and ongoing care are just a few of the reasons victims may claim. Ideally, you should report a boating accident within the first 48 hours. State regulations vary with set time frames, but responsible boat owners will get the situation under control as soon as possible. The most common boating accidents tend to result in colliding with another vessel, capsizing the vessel, falling overboard, and alcohol or drug use.
Operator carelessness, careless driving and excessive speed are among the most common factors contributing to boating accidents. Open watercraft, PWCs (jet skis or waverunners), personal watercraft, and motorboats are believed to be the types of vessels most commonly associated with these incidents. Injuries sustained as a result of boating accidents can often be serious or fatal. Possible injuries include broken bones, spinal cord injuries, fractures or dislocations of bones or limbs, and even loss of limbs. If you are unlucky enough to be involved in a marine casualty, after you have actually made the report, first contact Marine Casualty Law Firm to represent your interests.
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